Thursday, November 4, 2010

HAHA! Rape! Get it? A Horror Story of Single LIfe

There are some things you just don't joke about. There are some things you just don't talk about. These things often over lap. If it makes people uncomfortable to talk about, you probably shouldn't be cracking jokes about it because people will then think you're unbalanced.


I've already mentioned once before that abortion is not something that you should really bring up on a whim. That gets into politics and then everybody gets upset. There is one topic that people can universally agree on, though. That topic is, of course, rape. And how it's bad. And how you should never, ever ever  take it very lightly. You also shouldn't threaten people with it.

Guess what today's story is about.

I was once again using a certain site in utter desperation. On this particular site, I found that girls tend to be catty and want to be contacted first. Because, y'know. Equality. Anyway, having a female initiate a conversation is typically reserved for spam-fembots sharing their porn sites with stupid men. Those men then fall into the trap of visiting the site and having their organs harvested days later. On this day, after a string of bad luck, a girl contacted me. Shock! A girl was actually interested in me!

We talked for a bit and she didn't seem crazy. But of course, they never seem crazy until you meet them. By that point, it's too late! You're in the spider's web. You're crazy-person-food. Or, in okcupid's case, you're a crazy person's living masturbatory tool. Since I lacked any sort of sense (having yet to learn from previous experience), I decided to go ahead and meet up with this girl.

A few days later, we went ahead and met up. The first thing I noticed was that she didn't stink. This was a major step up from Abortion Girl. I wasn't really attracted to my date, but ehh, oh well. Might as well give her a decent night, right? I expected that we'd have from the time we met up to the end of the night by ourselves. We didn't. After a half-hour of chatting, she revealed she had to go pick up her kids from day care.
Well. All right. She's responsible. That's good, right?

All right. So, we went and got her kids. Since they were so young, I was dragged along in her minivan


Normally, I like to have access to my own car. That way, if something happens and I need to leave, or if I get so uncomfortable that I want to bail, I can do so on my own terms. I was stuck in a minivan with someone that I was very slowly getting more and more uncomfortable with. A few minutes later, we were at her trailer. I don't live in a mansion. I'm not some fancy-pants high-dollar writer. I'm a young adult living in a modest house. As such, I don't expect much from the people I hang out with. If you're on a date, though, you typically want to impress the person you're with at least a little bit. A trailer is not a good way to impress someone.

I don't judge, though. Despite more and more redflags coming up, I press on. I'm just really courageous like that. We go into her house and I get to meet her mom. On the first date. And they get into an argument. On the first date. Not a reasonable argument like over money or childcare. No. They argued about whether or not the girl's mom would please leave.

Interesting note, this particular individual happened to be 21 years old.
They bickered. I started feeling more and more awkward. I finally proposed the idea to go get my car real quick so it wouldn't be parked in front of the store we met at all night. This, fortunately, got me out of the fire zone and out on the road again.

Now, me being the gigantic asshole that I am, I had a few problems. I'm pretty damn shallow, so I didn't exactly want to be seen in public with her. I'm also a coward, so I didn't just want to tell her I had to go and she couldn't come along. I made the totally wise and not at all dangerous decision to take us somewhere not at her house, not at my house, and not quite in public. What made this situation even better? I'll tell you! She had spent the entire night staring at me lustily. If I hadn't told her that I didn't want to rush into anything, she probably would have jumped me then. I dunno. I try not to think about it.

"Hey, there's no mention of rape here? What gives!" Hoho, foolish reader. Didn't you notice how I said "first date" throughout?
"Oh man. Please tell me you didn't---" I did, reader. I did. I regret it, but I did.

Date 2
Nothing remarkable happened. We met up. Watched a movie together. She stole my belt. Wait, what?
Yeah. She figured that Second Date wasn't going too fast any more and stole my belt. She went home pretty quickly after that. I still haven't gotten that belt back. I don't want it back. I can only imagine what it's being used for.

I wonder...

DATE 3: The Incident
Her: "Hey, my mom's at a friend's house tonight"
Me: Hm. I wouldn't mind some company. "What would we do?"
Common Sense: NO! Ugh, why do I even bother?
Her: "Watch movies at my house ;)"

Friends, I have a piece of advice for you. Never trust the winkie face. Never. Ever. Ever. The winking smiley tells you that the user is implying something more. Something secret. Something like sex.10 times out of 9, it means sex.

Me: "Eh. Okay. I'll be there in a few."

Well. I got to her house. She let me in and we sat on her couch for a while, watching some stupid tv show. She was, uh. Frisky. I was not so much. The whole "I don't find her real attractive" thing played a large role in that. Being a young adult male, however, there are certain ways to get around a lack of physical attraction. It's really not that hard. You probably know a few. If you know your victim's particular tastes, you can take control without any problem.

She spent a lot of time trying to get me in the mood. She did most of the work and I just sort of let her. Innocent fun, right? Nobody's getting harmed. I remained strong enough to keep her from removing any of my clothing. After I shot down a couple of her attempts, she finally pulled out the big guns. She did it.

In the ensuing chaos of the Discomfort-o-Meter exploding, I got the hell out of there. I had just been told that she wanted to rape me. This had come from a person who claimed to have been raped when she was younger. My question to you is this: Who the FUCK uses that as dirty talk? "I COULD JUST RAPE YOU" is a turn off to fucking anybody with any fucking resemblance of sanity. "Hey, I know somebody who has a rape fantasy" Yeah? Have they been raped before? No? Then they don't actually want a RAPE fantasy, they want rough sex! There's a slight difference there. Can you spot it?

Here, let me help you!
"Oh, now slap me!" vs. "Make a fucking noise and I slit your throat!"

And that is why I've chosen to be single for a while.


  1. I wonder what you would have to say about our date, haha.

  2. Well, our date was actually pretty good. Most of the insaneness that happened was on my end, so it'd just be a post making me look bad. I do enough of that as it is.
