Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"The opinions of people that"

Oh, hey, I'm supposed to update aren't I? Well, uh. Here's something quick since I've kind of been kicked in the nuts re: inspiration. I started this blog 3 weeks ago. In that time, I've had 100 hits. That's kind of exciting for me because I didn't expect that much. But maybe I'm just being retarded and that's actually really awful for a new blog. I dunno. Either way, 100 people have read what I've written, and that means there's at least one person (Hi, Stephanie!) that likes my stuff enough to keep reading.

Now, going over all my stats and everything, I've found that a phrase has popped up under "Search Terms"
It's quite obviously not the full phrase. I wish I could figure out what the full phrase was because this is more than just a bit of a mystery to me. Today, at some point, somebody found my blog using "The opinions of people that" and that's all I know.

I have no idea what the rest of the sentence is supposed to be, so I've come up with a few ideas. Person that found my blog using that: Please tell me what you typed because this is killing me.

Possible Ideas:
1) The opinions of people that suck at writing [Fuck you.]
2) The opinions of people that think they're funny but really aren't [Seriously, what did I do to you? Why are you so mean? What do you mean it's karma?]
3) The opinions of people that got all their pageviews from hitting reload constantly [Uh...what. No, I have that option turned off so that can't possibly be th
4) The opinions of people that are so incredibly lonely and desperate for attention that they jump at any sign of attention [...um.]
5) The opinions of people that desire physical companionship so much they masturbate constantly [That's getting really personal, isn't it?]
6) The opinions of people that have a really guilty conscious and let it come through in what they write when they should probably try a lot harder to disguise that sort of stuff because seriously that's really depressing and all sorts of sad. [

yeah? Well. That was a massive run-on sentence you asshole. Yeah. Take that.]

There's that. Then there's also this: National Novel Writing Month is coming up in 12 days. I'm joining in and will probably be posting excerpts from that novel on here occasionally (assuming that's not against NaNoWriMo's rules). I am all sorts of excited for that, so bear with me during November.

My dream's to get paid to write. Can you tell? Probably not because you don't exist, Imaginary Reader Created to Fill the Void of Attention Left by My Most Recent Break-up and General Lack of Luck with Members of the Opposite Sex.

Eh, that's all for now. Image uploads have been disabled and I don't have anything funny to say at the moment, so. Thursday. Be here. I've got even more proof that Darwin's system is broken.


  1. i basically agree with everything in this post. you're awesome.

  2. What part of this post do you agree with? I'm not sure if I'm being complimented or insulted here.
